Minggu, 18 April 2010

Kebiasaan Hamster

Buat yg suka dn hobi bgt sm yg namany hamster, q kan berbagi kata untk kalian.
1. Kalo pgn cpt hamil, gabungkan saja 2/3 cwe setiap 1 hamster cwo
2. Ada yg blg saat mrk bereproduksi g blh d lht, tu slh besar, malah biasany q ambil hp dn Q rekam. Habis lucu! Pernah 1 cwe d rebutin 2 cwo.
3. Ganti serbuk kayu dn pasir setiap hari penting bgt lho, soalny untk kshtan mrk kt yg tnggjwb kn? Q tu paling teriris lht kandang yg ktor, dn lagi hamster yg uda q ksh org g d ksh makan? NANGIS Q. Padahal idealnya hamster makan 3x sehari layakny kita si pembaca blog. Hehe
4. Salah bgt presepsi org ttg hamster sering mkn ankny. G slalu bgtu, buktiny q lihat dg mata minusQ ini, ibu hamster mmg memakan sswtu, tapi bkn bayinya. Kayak ari2 gt.
5. Merawat bayi hamster g susah kq. Serah dan percyakan pd ibu hamster, tanpa mengandalkan bapak hamser pun bisa. Tgs hamster cwo hny mereproduksi hamster cwe.
Tips akhr : saat mengganti srbuk kyu hamster yg br melahirkan, g hrz 2 minggu, trlalu lama. Minim 5 hari stlh mlhrkn. Saat itu upayakan ibu dn bpk hamster bertemu agar mrk tdk sm2 lupa dg pasangannya, biasany kalo trlalu lm mrk sm2 lupa dn lg bertengkar g karuan. Itu tips berguna jg kalo pgn ibu hamster hml lg.

Selasa, 13 April 2010

First Draft

Making a Relationship

Maintaining a relationship within reason don’t as easy as us invert hand. Some fact prove, many from an aground the relationship off hand because of affair The root cause affair in the relation are overjeolusy, backstreet, and longdistance. But all returning to each individual. Sometime, longdistance in the relationship can walk better without existence of problem if among both don’t overjeolusy which triggering incidence of affair. As for incidence of backstreet after both have both of the same don’t each other trusting. Goodness in one side and also both. Backstreet in the meaning of each couple. If there is one of that couple which will maintain and is not egoist, so they relationship both can be defended.

Conclusion from some above statement is can possible we have to alert in braiding in the relationship, such as longdistance or don’t and should be able to accept any consequence before braiding that relationship. Each other trusting is key from all.

Selasa, 30 Maret 2010

Writing Assigment

Says about myself...
Like my full name, Ayuningtyas Pertiwi, my father said the means is beautiful heart, so does my best friend said.
In the fact, I can't let my free time with no activities, so I use it always. I usualy use my free time with my hobies. There are cooking, reading, making something with 'kain flannel' or playing with my pet, hamster. Hamster is kind of mouse, but it haven't long tail.
If Mama's hamster born some babies, so I can sell it.
You can buy it Rp.10.000/hamster.

About my experient making blog...
My opinion is... I LIKE IT!!!
Because I can learn more about internet.
So I must say thanks to Miss Cici and also to Nada, my classmete who help me to make it.
Before that, I don't have opinion about blog.

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010


Di jual hamster bLue argente Rp 30000

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